The first stage of developing your IP Warming strategy is to ensure your email lists are cleansed. Lists imported from third-parties or that have remained inactive for some time tend to have email addresses that are no longer valid. Our codes:

SAFE: A valid email address has been verified as a real email that is currently accepting mail. These emails exist and have been verified for safe sending.

DO NOT SEND: An invalid email address has been verified as a bad recipient address that does not exist or is not accepting mail. Invalid emails will result in a bounce.

DO NOT SEND: Disposable emails are temporary accounts used to avoid using a real personal account during a sign-up process. Common providers of disposable emails include Mailinator, Guerilla Mail, AirMail, and 10 Minute Mail.

POSSIBLE:  An accept all address is commonly used in small businesses to ensure a company receives any email that has been sent to them, regardless of typos. Additionally, these are also found in larger government, medical and educational organizations. Oftentimes these are in fact valid emails. However some organizations may utilize this setting as a security feature to prevent unsolicited emails.

  • If you are warming an IP address, your email provider has a low threshold for abuse, or have a questionable email send reputation, avoid these email addresses.
  • If you have a dedicated email server with your own IPs, accept all emails may be safe for sending dependent on the overall health of your list.

POSSIBLE SEND: We are unable to definitively determine this email’s status. This email appears to be OK, however the domain and/or server is not responding to our requests. This may be due to an issue with their internal network or expired domain names. Unknown addresses are checked up to 75 times before this result code is given.

  • If you are warming an IP address, your email provider has a low threshold for abuse, or have a questionable email send reputation, avoid these email addresses.
  • If you have a dedicated email server with your own IPs, accept all emails may be safe for sending dependent on the overall health of your list.

We also do a lookup on the mail server of each email recipient. This is used to determine your network mix so as not to exceed requested limits of each Internet Service Provider (ISP). Additionally, this may provide additional insight into whether or not the recipient is utilizing an extra layer of spam protection or a third-party filtering service. During IP Warming, we avoid third-party monitoring services to ensure your email deliverability is maximized and a reputation built. Once you have a good reputation, adding in those email addresses back in gradually may be possible.